losing their light in the morning sun
thus shall we pass from the earth and its toiling
only remembered by what we have done.
- Ira D Sankey
Mrs Ngozi 'The Wind' Ezeobi (nee Azuonye)
(January 1956 - July 2008)
Blow along dear sister
blow smiles in the faces of angels
in the heavens
as you blew smiles in our faces here
blow smiles in the faces of angels
in the heavens
as you blew smiles in our faces here
my sister, my friend, blow along dear sister
boldly in celestial plains where;
angels sing and dance
diabetes has no power
pain does not exist
there is only music and joy
Your world, Ngo Wind, seven worlds
you will live your earthly life again.
Your world, Ngo Wind, seven worlds
you will be my sister again.
Blow on by in peace, Ngozi the Wind, blow on in peace.
- Nnorom Azuonye
boldly in celestial plains where;
angels sing and dance
diabetes has no power
pain does not exist
there is only music and joy
Your world, Ngo Wind, seven worlds
you will live your earthly life again.
Your world, Ngo Wind, seven worlds
you will be my sister again.
Blow on by in peace, Ngozi the Wind, blow on in peace.
- Nnorom Azuonye