Your poem could help fight mental illness
"Mental illness and brain disease can be devastating. They cause profound distress not only to their sufferers but also to their families and friends. Sufferers often have to endure personal humiliation and social disadvantage which can make recovery even more difficult. Mental illness and brain disease are more common than many assume - they are part o
f everyone's life in some way." - The Psychiatry Research Trust.
By entering one or more poems in The Psychiatry Research Trust Poetry Competition 2012, you could help the charity fund research into ways to understand, prevent and treat mental illness. A third of your net entry fee goes to the charity and you could win one of five cash prizes of £150, £75, £40 and 2 x £10.
If you are a poet, why don't you give your creative work a chance to save somebody's mind? If you are not a poet but have friends who are, kindly share this message with them.
The Psychiatry Research Trust Poetry Competition closes on the 31st of May 2012.
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